harvest passing harvest suspire drag clouds vitality borrowing everyday kitchen changing laundry dry desublimation guest wooden air all_the yatsuo snow snow scent trampoline thumb shadow thumb chaise thumb algor mortis thumb algor mortis 2 thumb 10min thumb phone thumb scent thumb anicca thumb toddle thumb arm thumb contact thumb right foot thumb right foot 2 thumb right foot 3 thumb floor thumb phase change thumb poll-o thumb lips thumb grotto thumb conversation thumb

10min detail2

10min detail

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10 minutes

Borrowing One Hour From My House (2014), water collected from each room of the artist's house, Hi-Stone HLP gypsum, steel, glass, and mirror, 32" x 193" x 16"

The dehumidifier was set for one hour in each room of the artist's house. The collected water was mixed with plaster according to its mix ratio. The slurry was poured onto the floor of the corresponding rooms and was let dry, thus returning the moisture back to the house but left with samples of dried plaster "puddles."